
Today, Zhang Yurong’s teacher had already beaten Murong Wan three times, but it seemed to have only made him more calm and composed, which only further enraged Zhang Yurong.
Taking advantage of the sparring session at the martial arts school, Zhang Yurong unleashed his fury on the frail Murong Wan.

“Do you really think you’re something? Once the prince’s cousin becomes emperor, you won’t have anywhere to go,” Zhang Yurong taunted as he continued to pummel Murong Wan.

Helpless and defenseless, Murong Wan simply covered his head in silence.

“You’re nothing but a bastard born of a lowly servant girl.
How dare you even think of attending Guozi Jian?” Zhang Yurong sneered, his anger showing no signs of abating.
“Your mother was nothing but a filthy, low-life woman who gave birth to a worthless creature like you.”

After falling to the ground, Murong Wan’s eyes filled with blood upon hearing Zhang Yurong’s insults.
Taking advantage of Zhang Yurong’s momentary slackness, he bit down on his calf, shouting, “Don’t talk about my mother!”

“How dare you bite me!” Zhang Yurong indignantly kicked at Murong Wan in an attempt to force him to let go.

“Don’t insult my mother!” Despite his nose bleeding, Murong Wan gritted his teeth and spoke in a muffled voice, “I may be a bastard, but your beloved great prince is half related to me, so what does that make him?”

The people around Zhang Yurong came over to pull Murong Wan away, and a group of people kicked the bloodied Murong Wan.

Although some people in the distance could not bear to witness it, they didn’t dare to stop them, thinking of the power of the prince’s maternal uncle and Zhang Yurong’s domineering ways.

Ming Qin was uncertain of what to do.
Her task was to protect the Eleventh Prince, which meant ensuring Murong Wan’s safety.
While the Eleventh Prince being beaten up by a group of children might be painful, it was unlikely to result in his death.
However, the malicious intent in their eyes suggested that they intended to harm him.

Ming Qin wondered if she should intervene to stop the attack.
But, if she did, what should she do with Zhang Yurong’s group? Should she capture or kill them? If she captured them and brought them back, it might displease her master.
On the other hand, if she killed them, it would likely displease her master even more.

Ming Qin felt distressed at the difficulty of the task given to her by the Emperor.
She wished Senior Sister were there to help her decide what to do.
Meanwhile, Zhang Yurong had already left with his group, leaving Murong Wan alone on the ground.

As Ming Qin watched the Eleventh Prince lying there in a dirty state, his hands covering his face and his muffled sobs growing louder, she felt uneasy.
But she ultimately decided to forget her worries about being scolded and jumped down from the tree.
She squatted beside Murong Wan, feeling unsure of how to comfort him, and handed him a handkerchief, saying, “Here you go.”

Murong Wan gazed in disbelief at the hooded, black-clad woman who had appeared out of nowhere, hastily wiping away his tears as he took a step back.
“You…who are you?” he stammered.

“I am Ming Qin, a servant of His Majesty the Emperor, tasked with protecting the Eleventh Prince,” Ming Qin responded as she handed him a handkerchief.

“This can’t be real,” Murong Wan said, clutching the handkerchief tightly as tears, blood, and dust streaked down his face.
“My father would never send shadow guards to protect me.”

Ming Qin cocked her head.
“But I am not lying to you.”

“If you’re here to protect me, then why didn’t you intervene just now?” Murong Wan asked, still in disbelief as he wiped his face with the handkerchief.

“The Eleventh Prince’s life is not currently in danger,” Ming Qin said truthfully, noting that Murong Wan still had blood on his nose.

Murong Wan was frustrated and was about to ask when Ming Qin would consider his life to be at risk when his stomach growled loudly.

Hearing the noise, Ming Qin pulled a few steamed buns out of her arms and handed them to the somewhat embarrassed Murong Wan.

Resting her cheeks on her hands, Ming Qin observed as Murong Wan devoured his snacks and realized that she would need to buy something else to eat before finding the County Princess.
Otherwise, she would have to eat her entire dinner.

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