After lunch, Lux sneaks out and buys some normal clothes for Martha and Mateo.

Night falls into the kingdom, Candles, Matches Torches are lit.

”Hey, Mateo ”

”Wake up ”

”Wake up ” – lux

”Huh? ” – Mateo

”Time to go, Martha is already awake ”- Lux

”Come on Mateo, i wanna go out. ” -Martha

”Alright coming. ” -Mateo

”Also I got you this. ” – Lux

” This is adorable! ” -Mateo

” Martha got one too, quick lets go ”- lux

Lux pulled Mateos hand after changing, in Luxs room the window was opened, Lux pulled Mateo out of the window and jumped on the window… They ran on top of the highest roof of the castle. They sat there, watching the stars.

e still home though… ” Mateo mumbled

Lux heard and said, ”Alright, Ill bring you somewhere else. ” Lux carried Martha and took Mateos hand and jumped. Until they were out of the castle gate.

” Wow, Martha and I have never been out of the castle before… ” said Mateo

” Ive been sneaking out since I was 16, its been 5 years since. And I had the time to remember this whole kingdom. ”

Lux came out of nowhere and ran, Mateo, followed him to a beach, where Lux layed while carrying Martha up into the air. ”MARTHA ITS HERE ”Lux shouted as he carried her. Mateo looked up to see twin falling stars with a beautiful night sky.

The first time they saw the night sky, Mateo and Martha were astonished. Lux just smiled at their faces.

Morning came into the kingdom, the flowers bloom. The birds sing and the monsters go back into their caves…

War is coming in 4 days, maybe Mateo won make it back, maybe I won make it back. And Martha is still only 6 and maybe only seeing one of us back alive, or maybe not even seeing us alive… I gotta make them have the best 4 nights before its all gone! Lux thought.

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